Branch News
Branch Member Honoured by Society
Enormous congratulations to our Honorary President Roy Bain who was presented with the Society's Scroll of Honour at the 88th RSCDS AGM held in Perth in early November. The Scroll is awarded to those members who have made an exceptional contribution to the world of Scottish Country Dancing at large as well as in their local community, and this year Roy was one of only four to receive it - the others being Marilyn Healy, also from Scotland, Liz Donaldson from Washington DC, and Anne Kennedy from Sydney. Liz Donaldson and Anne Kennedy weren't able to attend the AGM to collect their scrolls in person but Marilyn Healy and Roy were presented with theirs by Society Honorary President Jean Martin and the Society Chairman Helen Russell at a Civic Reception prior to the Ball on the Saturday Night.
Roy is only the 2nd person in the history of the Helensburgh and District Branch to receive the scroll, the Society's highest accolade. The first Branch member to receive it was Mrs Nora Dunn, our former Honorary President, in 1989, and Roy wrote her Citation!
If you would like to read Roy's Citation, written by Irene Smith and read at the AGM, click the button below.
Well Done Roy!
RNLI Donation
On Wednesday 9th August 2017 Members of the Clyde Cruising Club and Helensburgh & District Branch General Class, presented Helensburgh RNLI Lifeboat with Audio Visual equipment worth over £500. The Class raised almost £200 from our Closing dance with the yotties of CCC raising just over £300 from one of their “Musters”. Among those present were Clive Reeves, Commodore of the Clyde Cruising Club, past Commodore Dr Patrick Truss with Allan & Marie Carrie & Helen & Roy Bain representing the General Class, together with Donald McLaren and Colin Gardner of the RNLI.
Helensburgh RNLI Lifeboat station takes delivery of a new Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat in October. This is a larger, 4 man, rib than the present 3 man boat and RNLI are currently trying to raise £20,000 towards the training costs for the new boat. As much of the training is by digital delivery the A/V equipment is an essential addition to their Training Room.
Picture Raffle
One of our Branch members, Jim Murdoch, who sadly passed away last year used to paint and supply pictures as prizes for our raffles at dances. After his death the Branch were given some of his pictures and several have been in our raffles as prizes over the last year.
We now have one left, a much bigger water colour painting of a winter scene. The frame measures 44cms x 34cms (approx.17 x 13 inches) and the picture 28cms x 20cms (approx.11 x 8 inches).
The picture is to be raffled and drawn at our Christmas Dance in December. Tickets will be on sale at £2.00 each and can be purchased at classes and dances.
Branch Award Winners
Congratulations to Branch Award Winners Anne Thorn and Helen Rodger, whose enormous contributions over the years both to the Branch and the world of Scottish Country Dancing, were publicly acknowledged at the Branch AGM on Thursday 7th of September.
Thank you ladies!

Award Winners Anne Thorn and Helen Rodger with Chairman Pam Fennell